Private & Corporate Detective Services in Mumbai, India

Pre Matrimonial Investigation
Private Detective Agencies in Mumbai offer best pre matrimonial investigation services. Matrimonial Investigations are an important contract in modern day life. It can change the whole course of your life. Why not are attentive and known facts before hand .....

Post Matrimonial Investigation.
It is rightly said that success in marriage does not come merely through finding the right mate, but through being the right mate. These days with the growing number of extra- marital affairs and spouses cheating on each other's these sayings does not make any sense.....

Divorce Cases Investigations
Top Secret Investigation Pvt. Ltd. is figuring out the problem of post matrimonial cases such as divorce case investigation which is very critical issue. Divorce is the condition where an individual relationship which he/she is keeping has no future anymore.....

Loyalty Test Investigations
Top Secret Investigation Pvt Ltd obtains comprehensive approach in detective services in terms of relationships matter. We are very well aware that the problem of relationship cannot be handled easily by any person lonely. And it becomes mandatory .....

Extramarital Affair Investigation
One of the biggest challenges in marriage is to find out if your partner is involved in extramarital affairs or not. Due to the extramarital affairs relationship doesn't stand loyal and it result out divorce. If your partner's activities are suspicious and if you think.....

Litigation Support Investigation
Top Secret Investigation Pvt. Ltd as a frontrunner private investigation agency knows that how difficult is litigation cases, but we are skilled to handle all these types of complex cases and solve it successfully. For the success of litigation .....

Still Photo & Videography
Private Detectives in Mumbai use the latest technology of videography and still photography which is used widely to gather the information and recording purpose. It is an inclusive strategy to capture the movements and activities of the target person.....

Undercover Operations
Undercover investigation is an important part of any investigation where it has the integrity of dig out truth within an organization and identifies the nexus of frauds. Top Secret Investigation Pvt Ltd is talented enough to busted up secret through the trained squad.....

Surveillance Detective
Surveillance Investigation has always been an important segment of investigation operations. It is widely used by private investigation agencies to follow the person and capture all his activities. By observing all entire movements and routine of suspect .....

Pre Employment Verifications
Employment Verification is recommended for all employees. On an average 35% of the applications and resumes contain information falsifying or exaggerating their employment. Top Secret Investigation Pvt. Ltd. is one of the professional private detectives in Mumbai.....

Post Employment Verification
With post-employment verification our clients will come to know about the activities of all the employees within the organization. If any employee is cheating or doing frauds with the management of the company then they will be unveiled through this investigation.....

Asset Verification
Top Secret Investigation is a proficient private investigation agency in Mumbai. Asset verification services are constructed to classify business or any person assets like liabilities, vehicles, sources of income, business interest, real estate, shares.....

Missing Person Investigation
Missing person verification is the process in which we detect those people who had deliberately hidden themselves. We have seen usually these types of people has taken large amount of money but don't have any intention to return it back. .....

Trademark & Copyright Verification
Top Secret Investigation Pvt. Ltd. is committed in delivering trademark and copyright verification because we have deployed skilled investigation specialist who knows the nuances of trademark infringement. They have been working in this industry .....

Employee Theft Verifications
Employee theft undoubtedly has become one of the biggest problems of any organization. Are you really worried about the employee theft in your company? How much loss you have made by employee theft? Who is the person that is stealing money, .....

Business Interference Investigations
When you are going to start your business, it is not easy task because you need multiple factors to run your business. Suppose you want to start online shopping business then you need manufacturer, suppliers, vendors, delivery boy, .....

Risk Analysis
Risk analysis is defined as the possible risk which can arrive in the business and the strategy in which we can analyze the risk and tackle with it intelligently. Risk analysis implementation is needed as company or organization can be prepared for .....

Due Diligence
We have pioneered the concept of investigative due diligence. Our investigative due diligence capability provides a consultative approach to clients undertaking new and significant projects, whether underwriting an IPO, considering a merger or acquisition, .....
Specialized Detective Services in Mumbai
Personal Detective Services in Mumbai
Personal Detective Agency in Mumbai Expertise in Pre & Post Matrimonial Investigation, Divorce Cases Investigation, Loyalty Test Investigation, Missing Person Investigation, Surveillance Detective, Extramarital Affairs, Background Check, Litigation Support Etc.
Corporate Detective Services in Mumbai
Top Secret Investigation is one of the best and outstanding private detective agency which has the expertise in the Corporate Investigation in Mumbai. Our corporate detective services in Mumbai includes Due Diligence, Insurance Fraud Investigations, Employee Theft, Litigation & Legal Support, Employment Screening etc.
Cyber Crime Detective Services in Mumbai
Top Secret Investigation Pvt Ltd. is a well known private detective agency in Mumbai, India. We have a dedicated team of expert who are specialized in dealing in cyber crime cases. Cybercrime has been increased hugely in past decades. There are so many which is based on cybercrime. So you need to hire capable cybercrime investigation agency which is none other than Top Secret Investigation is the perfect place.
Matrimonial Detective Services in Mumbai
Top Secret Investigation is One of the best and top professional detective agency in Mumbai for pre and post matrimonial investigation. We strive to dig out the truth with the help of our qualified and experienced detective agents. We use still photography, videography, microphone, audio recording, etc.
What Our Client Says:
Top Secret Investigation Pvt Ltd. is the best private detectives in Mumbai, One of my employee had cheated company and we were loosing our business. Mr. Sachin Sawant solved my case within couple of days in affordable rates. I can say he is simpally top private detective agency in Mumbai, India. The undercover agent really help us for providing us the actual facts he work for us as a dedicated private detectives agency in Mumbai for our company and provide us all the evidences and records to make my corporate detectives case in Mumbai.
Hi, Its my pleasure to writing a testimonial on Top Secret Investigation Detectives in Mumbai, team of professional detectives in Mumbai is really helpful to get me out in my court cases. team has provided me proper evidences required to me for by case. Marital investigation cases are common and detectives are playing important role in these kind of fake cases. Thanks to private detective agency in Mumbai. Want to know some more details about your matrimonial detectives services in Mumbai Best Regards,
I know about Top Secret Investigation Agency in Mumbai a few years back from my cousin when one of his friends was undergoing divorce fight in court and this agency has helped him a lot collecting enough proofs and evidences for proving his points in the court. When in 2014, I faced the same problem with my wife, then I contacted private detective agency in Mumbai, because I want proper investigation against my spouse's character so that I can prove her infidelity in the court. I can only say that Top Secret Investigation team of detectives is simply superb in performing their duties honestly. This agency is not only certified, but I can say only one trusted private detective agency in Mumbai that offers evidences enough to support your fact in front of the society and law.
Hi, When I was searching for a best and professional private detective agencies in Mumbai, India I was confuse. My friend suggest this Top Secret Investigation Pvt Ltd. for Pre Marriage investigation. I am thankful to Top Secret Investigation Agency for providing me the complete background check of a person. Provided information is very supportive for taking important decision. Top Secret Investigation Agency in Mumbai is a very professional and team of detectives in Mumbai and India work professionally to make client satisfied.
Top Secret Investigation is a trusted name in the private detective agency in Mumbai, India. I highly recommend Mr. Sachin Sawant of Top Secret Investigation Pvt Ltd. to anyone needing private detectives services. Mr. Sachin Sawant provides outstanding client service and shows genuine concern and empathy toward her clients and their families. If you need an investigative job done right the first time, Top Secret Investigation is your best private detective in Mumbai, India
Tags Private Detective & Investigation Agency in Mumbai
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